What can i say??
its already new year.
2009 gone. here comes 2010. damn every1 know tat lar.
well..i learnt and experienced many things...
in the year 2009, i laughed, smiled, pissed, angried, crazy-ed and highed
my fifteen year old life,2009 is the year that i really laughed with my heart and the loudest among years before.
thinking these actually makes me smile and tears making my eyeballs wet.
altho misunderstands will just come and hunt for human, but once it is gone, it IS a memory.
people always say that money is everything.
but, is it really everything?
they claims that money can buy everything.
so, can they buy memory??
can they buy nature??
well, as for my opinion, money is just 1 of our basic needs.
well according to my memories, i changed in the year 2009.
in 2001 until 2008, ive been a childish kid with no mature sign at all.
in the year 2009, i learnt through meeting new peeps,that makes me laugh,smile,misunderstanding,and touch.
honestly, my current mood is happy and sad.
sad is because 2009, my best year in my fifteen years life,had just ended.
happy because, more n more experiences awaits.
i wonder do i still have the chance to meet and lead the japanese??
i wonder do i still have so much time hanging out with all you guys??
i wonder my homeroom teacher nex year is a BYTCH or angel??
i wonder my skul nex principal is son of a female dog or some1 i takes off my hat to??
damn...life is unexpected.