Saturday, October 6, 2012

hey peeps !

remember my last post? ( if u read them already )

so we're supposed to do assignment for maths in groups.

and due to some reasons i was being separated from my former group and was placed in the same group as the girl from case 3.

she smiled to herself when she found out im their new member. i was quite pleased to see that xD

and then i took opportunity to speak to her of course !

got her number and shits and eventually we got closer.

we seems to text each other everyday and most of the time.

but shit happens. i think i said something wrong.

therefore i dont think she will text me anymore. ( maybe for just this few days )

perhaps i should text her again after some time?

im actually very afraid that we're gonna be strangers.

this happens a lot to me. i dont want that to happen anymore plus its with her.

will try my best to get even closer. life is destined and i believe its being destined fairly.