Saturday, June 26, 2010

The feeling of grabbing my own gf is so f*cking gooooooooooooooood~~~

well, where do i start??


woke up early...went for choir ONE FRIGGIN HOUR EARLIER

so i took a walk at school for 2 rounds...n guess wad??oni 10 minutes gone...

damn...sit at canteen alone for another half an hour until other member came..

so time starts to fly..

went taman tenaga have lunch with choir members..

courage and discourage started having big big fight in me..

finally the courage won and i held her hand ^^

teman her to martin...made sure she is safe for a journey...

then oni got no worry ^^

nv peng you..wo ai ni ^^

- - - - - - - - - - - -Next Event (1 hour later)- - - - - - - - - - - - -

well well well...

after tat went to kaki corner for kee shin's bday...


had fun joking and laughing and eating...

oh, boon and foong went on stage to sing for kee sweet we sad kok ming didnt join us for the singing...

however, great time we had...

we even ordered 1 bucket of beer which contains 4 bottle of carlsberg..

first time in my life tat i drank 1 and half bottle...

the feeling of after drinking??

ears effing hot...face like bengkak...eyeballs effing red...

and lastly everything i see is floating...

when we wanna pay bill tat time the boss free us 1 more bottle which means we handle-ed 5 bottle of cool is tat for 16 year old youngsters??

then balik rumahhhhh....facebookkkkkkk...msnnnnnnnnnn.....tidurrrrrrrrrr.... today.

26/6/2010, Saturday - The day that I must not forget

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